A Kindness
I decided to introduce myself to the blind chap on the dancefloor.
He was smiling to himself, swaying to the music. Not really dancing, rather listening with more than just his ears. In the manner in which aficionados might listen to an orchestra with tears streaming down their faces. As I stepped over, it occurred to me that his perception of the music was more nuanced than my own.
Ink Bar on K Road was filling up and he seemed to be by himself, at the narrow part of the dancefloor beside the bar. I was conscious the volume of the music diminished the efficacy of the primary sense he relies upon, that he would be increasingly jostled as more people arrived.
I placed my hand lightly on his wrist to indicate my presence, which seemed like the right thing to do. I know etiquette demands otherwise, that one should allow blind people to grasp one's arm or hand, but that one should refrain from touching them. In this circumstance the only alternative I could think of was to shout and I didn't want to startle him.
"Hey fella! I'm Simon, are you well?" I inquired.
"Yes, I'm Dave. I'm here with other people and a lovely girl called Megan gave me a bottle of water" he replied, waving the bottle at me. "Do you know her?"
"Yes, I know her" I smiled, redundantly. "She is the partner of the DJ we're listening to, Ben Calway"
"Is she beautiful?" Dave asked, hopefully.
"She is stunning, Dave" I assured him. "And more than that, she lights up the dance floor."
Dave positively beamed at me. Some people smile with their mouths, some also with their eyes. This guy smiled with his whole head. Happiness transcended to pure joy. I could have basked in the sunshine of it.
"Wonderful" Dave said, meaning it.
A kind girl had given Dave a bottle of water, and she was beautiful. This made his night.
And mine.
And hers.
-SRA. Auckland, 1/xii 2013.
(N.b. A few days after I wrote this a photographer who happened to be in the club published this photograph of the protagonists. It was a complete coincidence and I was unaware of the photograph’s existence.)