
Eliana Rubashykn: Court Appearance

Violence Allegations

Mr. Rubashkyn’s criminal trial was due to commence this morning. It is alleged that on the 2nd of December 2023 Mr. Rubashkyn:

  • Drove a vehicle in a dangerous manner

    A category-2 offence under the Land Transport Act 1998 Section 35(1)(b) with a maximum penalty of 3 months imprisonment and a $4,500 fine.

  • Committed assault using a vehicle as a weapon

    A category-3 offence under the Crimes Act 1961 Section 202C with a maximum penalty of 5 years imprisonment.

The victim is a male police officer.

Mr. Rubashkyn’s appearance this morning was brief, his trial was adjourned until the 10am on 12th of March 2025. The reason for the adjournment is suppressed.

-SRA. Auckland, 20/xi 2024

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