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Sir Lockwood joined my live broadcast on Sunday 8/xii 2024. Unfortunately I had the broadcast settings configured incorrectly which caused occasional audio and video glitches. To make matters worse, I forgot to switch my own microphone back on a couple of times like the dumbarse I am.

To make the recording more watchable I’ve clipped out the interview segment with Sir Lockwood from the recording to republish here. I’ve added subtitles which should help where there are audio glitches and removed the long silences where I was asking long-winded questions with the mic turned off.

We cover a variety of topics underneath a general umbrella of Trade and International Relations from a New Zealand perspective, ranging from fundamental trade philosophy through relationships with major trading partners, the quality of trade agreements, the activities of supra-national organisations and the economic challenges ahead: all areas Sir Lockwood has personal and professional involvement with.

I am hopeful he’ll come on the show again so I can get a better recording and explore his ideas further. Our celebrity-obsessed mainstream media seldom cover areas that are so vitally important to the lives of ordinary people such as trade and international relations, nor the fascinating people on the ground representing our interests in them.

-SRA. Auckland, 10/xii 2024.