Well written, Simon! Thank you sharing this story. You're appreciated!

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Just recently encountered you on X, and now follow you. It's good to hear a brutally honest voice. I have tried to be the same in recent years about different matters. It's not easy, and can't be sugar-coated, whilst at the same time avoiding viciousness and vitriol, but if we speak about things, we can then address them.

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All of this huha just goes to show Matua is well and truly directly over the target. Keep going Matua!

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Great you've got Matua's back Simon ! 😊

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It's going to take more than me.

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My Dear Simon, 🌺 Thank you so much Simon. Well to me I felt he wasn't AI I had a good feeling about Matua and I like him. He's funny, speaking how he feels and telling his TRUTHS which to me is the TRUTH. Of course they will and are coming after him because they do not want the TRUTH OUT...I have seen it happen with me and so many others. Is that all the degenerates have a pile of nasty words.

The only thing that concerns me with Matua I have seen how threatening certain Maoris get. Did you hear of the councillor down the line sorry I forgot which area now that sits on the council and they were voting for Maori wards and some disagreed as they are not elected properly. He had his home, children, wife threatened his ute shot at.

Came out in the morning to go to work and saw bullet holes in his ute. To me this is totally disgusting. Look what is happening to Julian Batchelor from Stop CO-Governances. He is getting threatened again. Eggs throwing at his home, threatening text messages of killing and nasty words again..He showed it all on boobtube with a video. Simon this has to stop.

If we only had a STRONG LEADER to stop this but we DON'T do we..If I was in any position of power in this country and saw how many people leaving NZ I would want to know why.

Then do something about it so we didn't lose anymore. Then they bring in more immigrants. Did they ASK the People about that one..NO.. I'm not against immigrants I'm just stating a point..

What I want to know who is going to pay for the translators when these people come to NZ that can't speak English like the Bald Badger (Luxon) said...Don't worry about not be able to speak English come on in..The mind boggles Simon...

Thanks again Simon for letting us know about Matua because I think he is a GOOD BLOKE..

With love my friend. 💜🌹💜 Debbie..

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